Hi I’m Lucy, I am trained in EFT, Matric Reimprinting and Past Lives Matrix Reimprinting.
I first found this amazing therapy when I was looking into having a natural labour with my son, I had done hypnobirthing with my first child, however I found that was lacking somewhat so I got guided to using EFT, and the results were a drug free, happy labour to a 91/2 pound baby!
I didn’t revisit EFT again until I found myself in a lot of pain in my shoulder and back. I was also at a real emotional crossroads and felt utterly lost. I was on a lot of painkillers and having panic attacks. Consciously trying to not loose my shit at every turn…. Not a happy place.
Then I found myself in a training room with EFT master trainer Karl Dawson, learning more about how I could help myself…. Then, I broke down and a practitioner did a Matrix session with me… and I felt free-er than I had ever felt…. Then, the next day I broke down again, and another session, and I was going to places I never knew existed. I was fixing past trauma, seeing how I had made my beliefs and how they were not only inhibiting my happiness but seriously affecting my health, my relationships and well, my life. So far, I resolved traumas from being raped, self-harming, institutional abuse…. The shame, guilt, feeling not good enough, feeling unworthy, feeling judged.
And I still work on the smaller stuff… enabling me to be really live to stop reacting to triggers and be truly happy without apology. I even became a Pilates instructor… for me this was incredible I was crippled with self-doubt and fear of being judged by women. Now I teach Pilates to amazing people every day of the week! And, now, I want to share this amazing modality with you and help you heal.