Clinics Online is a rapidly growing web-platform where clinicians and technicians engaged in Remote Access Care are able to connect with colleagues, share ideas, experiences and skills that might be helpful to their patients.
This is the hub for practitioners who are dedicated to providing best care to their clients and is driven by the single-minded mission to help more people access better care, faster.
Here you can learn new skills, adapt and contribute positively to your clients’ needs for Remote Access Care. When you access the Clinics Online portal, you can help each other develop the right tools, the right mindset and the right skill set needed to help people in need when physical contact is difficult or unsafe. This is also the hub for expert clinical triage, saving people time, effort and risk and enabling access to best care at the touch of a button.
Born during the Covid-19 crisis, Clinics Online has been registering practitioners and patients since Friday April 10th 2020 and we hope you will find it useful to expand your clinical skill and practice. You should find both the support you’ve always wanted from a multi-disciplinary team and the challenge associated to broadening your skills.
Clinics Online is a multi-disciplinary knowledge hub that enables you to access and delegate to the skill sets that you may need to help your patients: where massage might not be possible, stretches or exercises will help, where manipulation may not be possible, activation exercises may just do the trick. For those patients who are in need to access your knowledge and enable you to offer them solutions, reassurance and direction.
We are delivering services for our own self- or insurance funded patients, providing services for NHS contracts and for patients in need funded by charities and foundations.
This space is a closed professional group to enable us to enforce exacting clinical standards and deliver best possible care for our patients. Therefore, we require and enforce the highest levels of conduct within this group and every aspect it reflects, for you, for each other.
I hope you enjoy this space and make Clinics Online the safe space we all need when growing into new skills and new areas in new times, with new friends.
Very best of wishes and with all the support of myself and the team that has made this possible: thank you for joining us, supporting us, and letting us help you help your patients.
Adrian Holles MD Clinics Online
Helping People Help People
Sustaining clinical contact with patients